The word “pandemic” has a new meaning to many employers and employees after the past year. Businesses and individuals are looking for ways to bounce back after a year of being challenged emotionally, physically and financially. Although employers cannot necessarily give their employees motivation, they can provide them with some useful resources and tips to help inspire them to get started working on themselves!

We all have heard of terms self-development and self-care, and maybe would consider them the same. However, it is importance to recognize the difference.

  • Self-Care: Active engagement in things that reduce stress and improve mental health. This could consist of taking a hot bath, reading a book, going outside, meditation or just talking with a friend. It can be different for everyone, but the act of self-care leads to reduced stress and releasing hormones that can make you feel better.
  • Self-Development: Working towards becoming a better version of oneself through their own efforts. This could be taking an online class, goal setting, working out/being healthier or reading a book about an area of improvement. Personal development may vary from person to person as well, but results in improved skills, knowledge, or ability.

Although different, both ideas are important. When someone feels in control of their stress and feels valuable, it makes them more effective in many areas of their life. It can improve their work, their relationships, and their personal life. Also, by taking these two actions, anyone can learn how to overcome difficult circumstances.

As we overcome the past year of being in a pandemic, employers and employees can use these to concepts to help them be stronger. As an employer, offer your employees opportunity to take their breaks and step away from their work. Also, if able, offer different opportunities or suggestions for employees’ self-development or advancement. As an employee, make sure your needs are being met outside of work as well (self-care and self-development) so you are able to do your best while you are on the clock and not have to take it home with you.

As many people continue to navigate their workload or continue to work remotely, it is easy to feel disconnected! However, employers and employees can stay connected, while offering them opportunity for self-development and self-care, through a wellness program.

Don’t have a wellness program? We can help get you started! Email for more information.

COVID-19 continues to be the uphill battle for most of us as we look at 2021 and what has taken precedence in the workplace.  First, it was determining “work from home” and now, in the blink of an eye, we are facing open enrollment.  With this, comes the crucial discussion on employee benefits. Benefits and perks are becoming increasingly important considerations for employees, and now more than ever, employees will see more value in what is offered as we continue to fight through the pandemic.

I tend to keep a close eye on workplace trends and one thing has not changed:  employees value benefits and they value the feeling of being taken care.  Done are the days of health insurance being the only benefit individuals look at.  Now, as employers, you are faced to consider beyond the health insurance benefit and what additionally is offered.  Is health insurance and compensation still important?  Absolutely.  But employers should think beyond this when trying to attract and retain talent.

For highly competitive industries that already offer common benefits like health and retirement plans, other benefits are needed to differentiate themselves from other employers. The benefits that will likely get the best response from prospective employees are ones that address specific challenges in the current environment, such as wellness benefits that address how individuals can be healthy at home, flexibility for parents who have to juggle being teachers and work professionals in the middle of the day, and what about how you can help support ergonomically friendly and productive work environments away from the office.

Have you felt a difference in office comradery?  The employee connection?  Consider offering your employees with a monthly health focus and wellness challenge to give your employees something to focus on rather than all many have heard about for the past 8 months:  Covid-19.

Let Well365 help you think both short- and long-term with the benefits you plan for 2021 and beyond. Although work will eventually not be limited by the pandemic, it does not mean that it will return back to normal. Like with benefits, the prevalence of remote work increased dramatically and permanently in response to COVID-19. This means that benefits geared towards employees at home will be important now and in the future.

Employers should also recognize that office-based benefits, such as free snacks, are no longer available to employees, so although benefits were not explicitly cut, they may feel that way. As such, employers should consider reallocating the savings from office-based expenses toward new wellness benefits. For example, employers who offered on-site lunch-n-learns may want to consider virtual educational opportunities!  Want to offer a challenge that enables your employees to combat their stress, consider how you can still execute a challenge without having employees onsite!  Putting all of this into perspective and I promise you, your employees will notice and thank you!  For more information on how you can enhance your employee benefits package, contact Well365:

I’ve got a delicious protein-rich lunch idea that you’ll actually look forward to eating!

Who doesn’t love burritos? This recipe is better than takeout AND will save you $$$.

PLUS … you can modify it based on your food preferences. The base recipe is vegan but you can add cheese for vegetarian, or even chicken or ground beef if you eat meat.

Make up a few ahead of time for grab-and-go lunches – just reheat them before it’s time to eat!

Black Bean and Hummus Burrito Wraps
(Makes 4 burrito wraps)

1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion, chopped
½ tsp each of cumin, garlic powder, and salt
2 large red bell peppers
8 oz. (225 g) sliced mushrooms
1 can of corn
8 oz (225 g) your favorite hummus
4 large wraps or tortillas
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
4 handfuls washed fresh spinach
Optional: Goat cheese, crumbled
Optional: 8 oz (225 g) cooked shredded chicken breast or ground beef
Optional: guacamole and/or salsa for garnish

Preheat oven to 425ºF/220ºC. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and set aside.

Heat the oil over medium-high heat in a saucepan and saute the onion until it softens and becomes translucent. Stir in the seasonings and cook for 1-2 minutes before adding the bell pepper. Saute until it begins to soften, and then add the mushrooms and corn.

Continue to cook until the mushrooms begin to soften.

Meanwhile, lay out wraps and spread a layer of hummus over them. Add the sautéed vegetables, black beans, and fresh spinach, along with any of the optional ingredients you want to use, and roll into a burrito.

Place burritos on a baking sheet (seam side down), and bake for 8-10 minutes.

Serve immediately topped with guacamole and salsa. Store leftovers in the fridge, covered, and reheat before serving.
Don’t those sound delicious – and super easy? Grab-and-go lunches make life so much easier!

I’ve got some pretty cool (and weird) human facts for you today.

They have to do with your metabolism and I hope at least one of them leaves you feeling empowered!

It’s tempting to think of your metabolism as something you can “turn up” or “turn down” … but the fact is, metabolism is a complicated process that happens in your cells – and the more cells you have, the faster your metabolism.

(Random fact: the average person has 30 trillion cells! That’s a lot of cells … and a lot of metabolism.)

The biggest chunk of your calorie burn (aka your metabolism) happens just to keep you alive – it’s known as your BMR, your basal metabolic rate. BMR can vary a LOT between people.

Some things that impact your BMR are things you can’t control – genetics, gender, and more.

But there’s actually a lot you CAN do to turn up your metabolism, and it has to do with your body composition.

I like to think of these ‘metabolic boosters’ like compound interest … it’s not going to make you rich overnight, but over time, it adds up in a big way!

Here it is …

Add more muscle to your body through your workouts. And I’m not talking about giant Hulk muscles, btw. I simply mean strong, flexible, and supple muscle!

Scientists estimate that every pound of muscle you have burns about 6 calories a day

while you’re resting. That’s triple the amount of a pound of fat, which comes in at about 2 calories a day.

So, 10 pounds of fat would burn 20 calories a day, while 10 pounds of muscle would burn 60. Not that impressive.

But over a year, 10 pounds of muscle burns 21,900 calories (a little over 6 pounds), while 10 pounds of fat burns 7,300 calories in a year (around 2 pounds).

That means workouts that build your muscles – whether it’s old-school bodybuilding workouts, or fitness workouts that include weights – have a double-whammy effect!

Not only are you burning calories WHILE you’re doing them, but you get a BONUS burn in the future as you build muscle! Pretty cool, right?

Beyond your workouts, it’s important to get enough protein (between 10% and 35% of your daily calories) to help build, repair, and maintain your muscle.

Want to get even MORE tactical?

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that if you want to build muscle, on top of adding resistance training to your workouts, you should eat 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day – which equals 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound of body weight.


One significant way many employers can help improve their employee’s health is by helping them quit the use of tobacco and nicotine products. Not only will this increase their productivity, reduce non-productive time during the day and lower health-care costs, it will also help them feel their best and live a happier, healthier life outside of work! Tobacco cessation programs are a great way to offer assistance to employees and help support them as they overcome their addiction to tobacco and nicotine.

Many tobacco cessation programs include group classes, support groups or counselling, in combination with information about treatment and medication options. Many employers offer online classes or digital content as a simple and inexpensive tobacco cessation program. Although this option allows employers to “check the box” on offering a tobacco cessation program for employees, there is still more that they could be doing.

Research shows that individuals are more likely to quit the use of tobacco or nicotine when they have a combination of nicotine replacement theory, medication, and behavioral intervention (such as classes, coaching, and information alone) (1). Because of this, one thing that employers should consider when designing their program is offering Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to their employees at no cost. Through Well365’s tobacco cessation program, a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (CTTS) will work with individuals and help get them started to quitting using a NRT. Well365 will then work with the employer to ensure that the individual gets the NRT that they need. Through individualized coaching, Well365’s CTTS will follow up with the individual to confirm compliance and make any adjustments that may be needed.

Another way that employers can help employees quit is by covering the cost of all tobacco cessation medication. While Well365 cannot offer pharmacotherapy, such as Chantix or Wellbutrin, employers who have input on what their health insurance plan covers can make sure their plan covers the cost of all tobacco cessation pharmaceutical drugs at 100%. If an employer cannot change their coverage or employees have High Deductible plans, they can also offer 100% reimbursement to tobacco cessation pharmaceuticals. This allows our CTTS to assist them in obtaining the correct prescription, free of charge to the employee.

As an employer, consider taking their tobacco cessation program to the next level. Be proactive and help make the healthy choice, the easy choice for your employees.



Maybe this has happened to you already … and if it hasn’t, there’s a good chance it will at some point!

One day, seemingly out of the blue, your pants don’t button up as easily, or you notice that the scale creeps up faster than it used to.

AND … it’s much harder than it used to be to get those pants to fit the way they once did (or return the scale to its former spot).

It’s not your imagination! The truth is your metabolism naturally slows down as you get older.

It happens at different paces and different times for each of us, but I do have some good news for you. There are things you can do to offset it.

And the sooner you start, the better!

Here are some of the top reasons your metabolism begins to slow:

  • You’re less active
  • You’ve lost muscle
  • Your body’s metabolic processes have slowed down because of age

I’m going to outline a few key things you can do to keep your metabolism revved up as you get older.

1) Your activity level. This is a sneaky one, because you might not actually notice you’re moving less each day!

How active you are each day (including your workouts and your normal activities of daily living) makes up about 10% to 30% of your daily calorie burn. Very active people can actually burn up to half their daily calories from activity!

BUT … studies show that as we get older, we tend to move less, both in terms of exercise AND our general daily living.

More than 25% of people over 50 don’t exercise, and by the time we reach 75, that number jumps to more than 35%.

Plus, studies show we also move less in general, burning almost 30% fewer calories through non-exercise activity.

There is a way to avoid that slowdown!

A study comparing women aged 21-35 with women ages 50-72 showed that when the older women engaged in regular exercise, they avoided the dreaded age-related metabolic slowdown.

→ The takeaway: Start a regular exercise habit you enjoy NOW, and find active hobbies! Having these habits in place will set a strong foundation for continued movement as you get older.

2) Muscle loss. This next major cause of a slower metabolism is called sarcopenia – age-related muscle loss!

It’s tied in with your activity level, since being less active is one reason you can lose muscle.

On average, adults lose between 3% and 8% of their muscle mass each decade after the age of 30.

One reason this matters – beyond your general strength and ability to move easily – is because muscle burns slightly more calories (even at rest) than fat.

You can help maintain and build muscle as you age with consistent strength-training workouts: free weights, machines, and even water fitness classes can help!

The most important part is to create some resistance for your muscles to work against.

→ The takeaway: get in at least 2 strength-training workouts a week that work all of your body’s major muscle groups.

3) The aging process. As you get older, the actual process of metabolism in your cells slows down or becomes less efficient.

There isn’t a lot you can do about this – but here’s some good news. While these slowdowns do happen, studies show they have a minor impact compared with lower activity and muscle mass!

→ The takeaway: concentrate on living a healthy lifestyle and on more activities to offset the metabolic slowdown.

→ BONUS takeaway: Make sure you eat enough protein. As people get older, they often tend to eat less protein. Aim for 10% to 35% of your total daily intake.

Tip: to boost absorption, spread your protein intake out over the course of the day, since studies show that to be more effective.

Actions you take today can have a BIG impact on your life into the future. If you’d like some guidance about putting these takeaways into action, I can help …


Ready to get into the GOOD stuff?! In a previous blog, I explained how to calculate your macros.

If you haven’t read it yet, please do that first because today we’re going to put those numbers you calculated into ACTION!

Knowing and tracking your macros can be game-changing for your metabolism … and will not only accelerate your results, but help you to feel and look AMAZING!

Before we get started, some tips:

TIP 1: Don’t stress about getting your macros exactly right. Use them as ballpark figures vs. trying to be perfect and hitting them exactly. Think of this as a PROCESS of learning, vs. something you have to master right out of the gate.

TIP 2: If you don’t already have an online food journal, you’ll want to create an account at one of the free sites (like MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, FitBit) since they have databases of nutrition info for almost any food.

TIP 3: It’s easier to plan your meals/macros AHEAD OF TIME. Otherwise, you can be left with a weird configuration at the end of the day, wondering what you can eat to hit your numbers.

Ready? It’s time to open up your food journal and map out a day’s worth of eating!

The first few times you do this, it will take a little while but it won’t be long before you can whip up an entire day in just a couple of minutes.

In my last email, we calculated the macros for someone who is trying to hit 2,000 calories a day and who has a goal of losing fat/gaining muscle:

150 grams of protein a day
55 grams of fat a day
225 grams of carbs a day

In a nutshell, first you’ll layer in the protein-rich foods for all your meals, then your carbohydrates, and finally add in fats (like salad dressing, butter, etc.), and adjust the amounts once you’ve plugged in all your meals.

As an example, for protein: at breakfast you would enter “eggs,” at  lunch, “tuna,” and for dinner, “chicken breast.” If you use protein powder to make a shake for a snack/post-workout meal, enter that, too!

Then, look at how many protein grams that adds up to for the day and see if you’re near the 150 gram mark – but don’t worry about it if you aren’t!

Next it’s time for the carbs – “starchy” carbs like legumes, quinoa, oats, potatoes, etc. get added in. You’ll find some of your carbs will even bump up your protein number!

Next up it’s veggies & fruits. It can be helpful to shoot for at least one serving at every meal.

Once you’re done with that, it’s time to finetune your plan to get closer to your target macro numbers for the day!


  • A lot of people struggle at first with their protein numbers – they get too little – or their fat numbers – they get too much! The fix: adjust your portion sizes or upgrade your food choices.
    NOTE: You’ll get the most benefit out from protein you eat if you spread it out over the course of the day in fairly equal amounts.
  • It’s helpful to track fiber. According to the USDA, women under the age of 50 should aim for 25 grams a day and men, 38 grams. Women over 50 should try for 21 and men, 30 grams. If your fiber is low, check your fruit and veggie choices, and also your starchy carbs – adding a ½ cup of legumes (like black beans) can really help.
  • If your fat number is low, try adding some healthy oil like olive oil to a salad or your veggies, or some healthy fats like nuts and seeds.

What if you want to make a recipe? Many food journals (like MyFitnessPal) let you create recipes and break them down into portion sizes!


I’ve got a special “master class” that will help 1) explain and 2) put into action a nutrition topic that’s all about flexible eating to help get you the results you want.

It works whether you want to gain weight, lose weight, maintain your weight, or try clean eating – without following a strict menu plan.

It’s called macro-based eating. It might seem a little complicated at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s AMAZING!

I’m going to walk you through finding YOUR macro numbers below, but first let’s talk about why it works so well.

The term “macro” refers to macronutrients – protein, carbs, and fats. It’s also helpful to include fiber because when you’re getting enough fiber, you probably are eating healthier carbs. :)

Each macro gives you different benefits, so it can be helpful to know you’re getting enough of them. Plus, you get to see how your body responds to different macro breakdowns. For example, some people feel better with more carbs and some with less.

Planning and tracking your macros lets you get really TACTICAL about choosing the foods you eat to get you the results you want.

It gives you real data, vs. “guestimating” what you’re actually eating.

Note: you DEFINITELY are going to want to use an online food journal to do this – check out MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, FitBit’s food journal, or other online resource. It will save you tons of time and effort.


STEP #1: Set your “daily target calorie intake amount” since all your calculations will depend on it.

Here is a good one:

STEP #2: Calculate how much of each MACRONUTRIENT you want to consume.

Protein: This macronutrient helps you build, repair, and maintain your muscle mass. Not only that, but it also helps rev your metabolism AND it’s known as the most satiating macro, keeping you feeling full for hours after eating it. Shoot for 10% to 35% of your calories from protein.

Tip: People who work out more generally need more protein to help with recovery.

Fat: Your body needs fat to be healthy. Among other things, fat helps your body convert and use several vitamins and minerals. Experts recommend getting between 20% and 35% of your daily calories from fat.

Carbohydrates: The remaining percentage should come from carbs. Major health organizations recommend you get between 45% and 65% of your total calories a day.

Fiber: This is another number you will want to keep in mind. It’s recommended you get between 25 to 30 grams of fiber from food sources each day.

EXAMPLE: Let’s say you calculated you need 2,000 calories a day, and you work out 4-5 days a week and have a goal of losing fat/maintaining muscle – so you decide to eat 30% from protein, 25% from fat, and 45% from carbs.

30% x 2000 = 600 calories from protein

25% x 2000 = 500 calories from fat

45% x 2000 = 900 calories from carbohydrates

But wait! There’s more! You definitely can stick with looking at just your calorie targets, but most macro-based programs actually take it a step farther and break those calorie targets into grams for each macronutrient.

Breaking it down into grams helps you be more precise. Hang with me here because there’s another step of math involved …

  • 4 calories of protein = 1 gram
  • 4 calories of carbohydrates = 1 gram
  • 9 calories of fats = 1 gram

So, in order to figure your gram totals, you simply divide the calories by the appropriate macro number.

From our example above,

600 protein calories ÷ 4 = 150 grams of protein a day

500 fat calories ÷ 9 = 55 grams of fat a day

900 carb calories  ÷ 4 = 225 grams of carbs a day

Those are your MACROS!

The awesome thing is that once you calculate your macros, that job is DONE!

I prefer sticking with a macro breakdown for at least a month or so to see how it works, and then changing it up a little if results stall or you feel hungry/tired/etc.

Right now you might be wondering what this all actually means and how to put it into action once you know your numbers.

Read part 2: Tracking macros to get RESULTS!


Want to rev up your metabolism?! Well I’m going to give you a solid list of foods below that do just that …

As you might expect, the foods you eat can have a pretty big impact on how your body functions.

Some foods are easier to digest than others, others keep you feeling full longer, and others help build and repair muscle! And still others can cause rapid blood sugar swings that can affect how your body stores fat.

Well today I’ve got a list of power-packed foods that can help give you a healthy, all-natural boost for your metabolism.

(BTW, if you haven’t signed up for my FREE 5-Day Metabolic Jumpstart challenge, you can get it HERE!

Foods That Boost Your Metabolism:

Protein-rich foods: Eating foods high in protein (meat, eggs, fish, legumes, tofu, etc.) rev up your metabolism because it takes your body more energy to digest them.

This is called the thermic effect of food – different foods require more energy than others.

Fun fact: Protein can boost your metabolism by 15% to 30%, carbs can boost it 5% to 10%, and fats between 0% to 3%.

A bonus with protein is that if you’re losing weight, it helps you hold onto more of your muscle, which also can help you keep your metabolism humming along.

Legumes: On top of containing plenty of plant-based protein, legumes (lentils, black beans, kidney beans, etc.) also contain resistant starch. That’s a form of fiber your body can’t digest.

Resistant starch can help improve your metabolism because it helps stabilize blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity, both of which are key in fat storage.

Coffee and tea: The amount of caffeine in an average cup of coffee (around 100 mg) appears to boost your metabolism by up to 11% for up to 2 hours.

Also, studies suggest the antioxidants and catechins in green tea (especially green tea extract) appear to rev up your metabolism by 3% to 4% (and as much as 8%), over the course of a 24-hour period.

Ginger: One study found that adding a heaping teaspoon (2 grams) of ginger powder to hot water and drinking it after breakfast raised metabolism – people burned about 43 extra calories AND they didn’t feel as hungry for the next three hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar: In mice studies, apple cider vinegar was found to promote the production of an enzyme called AMPK, which lowers the rate of fat storage and boosts the rate of fat burning.

(Tip: try combining ginger and 1-2 tbsp of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar in hot water for a refreshing morning drink.)

Water: Drinking 2 cups of cold water temporarily boosts your metabolism by as much 30% for up to 40 minutes after you drink it. Much of the increase has to do with how hard your body works to warm up the water.

Chili peppers: Add some red pepper to your dinner to fire up your metabolism! Many studies have investigated supplements containing capsaicinoids, which is the component that gives chili peppers their “heat.”

You can get some of the same benefits from food by adding the spicy peppers to your recipes. Yum! Throw them into some chili with black beans and ground turkey for a 1-2-3 metabolic punch.

It’s important to know that none of these foods will suddenly make your body burn hundreds of extra calories a day … but it’s pretty surprising how quickly layering in small, consistent changes can rev your daily burn!

I hope this list helps! And don’t forget to join the 5-Day Metabolic Jumpstart if you haven’t already!

Click here to get the 5-Day Metabolic Jumpstart!


Intermittent fasting (or IF) continues to stir up conversation in our society today. As with any diet or style of eating, one needs keep in mind that not everything is black and white. There are many things that contribute to if they are eating “healthy” or not, and if it is what works best for someone.

Fasting isn’t anything new. People of faith and different religions have fasted for centuries. However, intermittent fasting (IF) took off as a weight-loss craze at the end of 2012. There are several styles of IF with different fasting periods or windows. You might wonder, which one is best? For a lot of people, which one is ‘best’ is dependent on their lifestyle and what works best for them.

Fasting works because the total amount of food consumed typically decreases throughout the course of a week. This results in negative net calorie, which should lead to weight loss for most people. People tend to enjoy this style of dieting because it doesn’t leave them feeling hungry on the days they can eat (compared to a typical restricted calorie diet). Fasting also gained popularity because it took the stress out of what they should or shouldn’t eat.

The important part to IF is to not overeat during your “eating window” or your “eating days” and recognize you cannot eat whatever you want. Intermittent Fasting typically does allow all food (“good” or “bad”). However, just because some people can lose weight eating all the junk food while fasting, doesn’t make it healthy.  It is important to recognize that people can’t escape quality food (or lack thereof) and how it is going to affect health. Getting a balanced diet of carbohydrates, fiber, fats and proteins is still important even if you are cutting out 1-2 days per week of eating. This ensures your body is still getting all the nutrition that it needs.

So what does the research show and is this for you?

Although there is evidence that shows Intermittent Fasting can lead to weight loss and improved risk factors of chronic disease, doesn’t mean it is for everyone. There are still many unknowns when it comes to IF long-term. Many individuals who have medical conditions should not fast without supervision of a doctor, especially those on medication.

Here are a couple of questions I would ask an individual who is interested in Intermittent Fasting are:

  • Have you tried it? If yes, for how long?
  • Have you tried anything else?
  • What did you eat on the days you could eat?
  • Did you like it?
  • Were you successful?

Ultimately, for some people, it works great and they love it and feel great while doing it. However, for a lot of others it leads to overeating, increased irritability and frustration. If you decide to try it (assuming no medical conditions), I would just encourage that you to still eat a well balanced diet on your eating days.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at