About Us

Our Mission

Established in 2016, Well365 is committed to providing opportunities for employers to create a thriving culture through wellbeing and mental solutions while supporting, developing and empowering individuals to lead a better quality of life.

A higher level of awareness is essential to success

We are all becoming more and more health conscious. But due to higher stress, longer work days, and constant multitasking, it is more difficult to find the time to act on our own personal wellbeing. Creating effective, FUN wellbeing initiatives is important because the majority of an employee’s time is spent at the workplace.

The majority of chronic diseases are preventable

According to the CDC, chronic diseases account for 75% of total healthcare costs. Well365 focuses on prevention and we understand that when old habits are years in the making, you cannot expect behavior to change to happen overnight. Well365 provides solutions, support and resources to empower individuals to commit mentally, emotionally and socially so that progress is possible.

Be flexible

Corporate wellness shouldn’t be boring. Creating unique, fun, and flexible programs that consistently evolve over time ensure the best possibility of long term success. Human beings need to be challenged and stimulated in different ways and different means to create change. Well365 stays on top of the latest trends and works in collaboration with you and your team to take direct responsibility over your initiatives.

Attack healthcare costs

Healthcare costs are rising year after year. Employers, especially those at small companies, can simply not afford to take on this burden any longer. As a result, they are passing the costs on to their employees through higher deductibles. But healthier employees can actually help their own bottom line. Some employers are now lowering employee’s contributions with rebates if they do participate in a wellness program. Well365 has years of experience to assist you on integration.

Customized corporate solutions

The success of corporate wellness is driven by the unique strategy behind it. It involves strategies that outline short and long-term goals for the employee and the employer. Corporate wellness needs support, leadership, and commitment from the employer and employees. Well365 understands that successful wellness initiatives take time and constantly evolve to create a culture of wellbeing. Corporate wellness is not just one initiative — it is a combination of many solutions that work together under one strategy. It involves layers of physical activity, education, communication, incentives, and a long-term commitment.

Every wellbeing initiative is unique.
We’ll help you maximize the return on yours!

Contact us today!