Online Wellbeing & Mental Health Platform

No two companies are the same. And for this alone, we understand the importance of offering a variety of wellbeing initiatives for your unique company. Well365, in partnership with FitThumb, offers an online, web-based customizable platform. Well365 works with employers to create total wellbeing and mental health initiatives that address specific needs in an organization! As initiatives grow and evolve, we adapt and use our strategic solutions to ensure optimal engagement.

Wellbeing & Mental Health Challenges

A wide variety of engaging wellbeing and mental health challenges that allow individual and team participation.

Participation or Outcomes-Based Wellness

Whether you want to offer participation based initiatives for your employees, or opportunities for your organization to offer health insurance discounts, the online wellness platform supports your overall wellness goals!

Wearables and Trackables

Fitbit, Garmin, Apple, Samsung and more!

Wellbeing & Mental Health Classes

Plenty of health, wellbeing, nutrition and mental health classes to help educate your organization on a variety of subjects.

Reporting and Management

A multitude of reports help monitor engagement, effectiveness, and a return on your investment.

Rewards and Incentives

Offer your users an incentive or reward based on healthy behaviors!

Every wellbeing initiative is unique.
We’ll help you maximize the return on yours!

Contact us today!